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AIDScience Vol. 1, No. 2, June 2001

Designing HIV-1 vaccines to reflect viral diversity and the global context of HIV/AIDS

A.S. De Groot1-3*, H. Sbai1, J. Frost1, C. Saint-Aubin1, N. Chinai1, W. Martin2, A. Bosma1, G. Skowron3, K. H. Mayer1

1TB/HIV Research Laboratory, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, United States
2EpiVax, Inc., Providence, RI 02906, United States
3Brown University AIDS Program, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, United States
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

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Abstract. One of the greatest barriers to developing an effective HIV-1 vaccine is the diversity of HIV-1 viral strains and clades. The number of unique HIV-1 sequences in public databases has been steadily increasing every year, with no end in sight. The most effective type of vaccine in the global context of the HIV epidemic would include immunogenic regions, or epitopes, of the HIV-1 genome that are highly conserved across clades and strains of HIV-1. Until recently, discovery of conserved epitopes in the HIV-1 genome has been hampered by a lack of effective tools that would enable researchers to mine large HIV-1 protein sequence databases for vaccine components. This article reviews the current status of bioinformatics tools for HIV-1 sequence database mining and concludes that the necessary tools for attempting to prepare "cross-clade" vaccines are at hand.


HIV is much like a language that is a collection of dialects. Some words and phrases are conserved across the languages, others differ by a small amount, and others are completely lacking. Global communication with the dialects would be less than perfect—for example, although it may be true that speaking a dialect of French is enough to be able to communicate in every francophone country, it is more likely that Haitian Creole would be poorly understood in the Ivory Coast, even though some standard French words are conserved. Likewise, although vaccinating individuals against one subtype of HIV-1 might be sufficient protection against other subtypes of HIV-1, it is more likely that vaccinating with a single HIV-1 strain may not be a successful means of protecting against challenge by strains belonging to other clades of HIV-1. Most of the HIV-1 vaccines exiting the developmental pipeline have been developed in the U.S. and Europe by research groups working with the most readily available strains of HIV-1, namely, those clustered under subtype or clade B (the subtype of HIV that predominates in the United States and Europe)(1)(Table 1). Concern about the "dialects" or strains of HIV-1 has stimulated a flurry of scientific debate about the efficacy of HIV-1 vaccines developed from Clade B HIV-1 strains.

HIV-1 vaccines in development fall roughly into three categories: recombinant proteins, vectored vaccines, and "replicons" (highly engineered viral vectors). Of the 13 or so recombinant envelope vaccines that have been studied in clinical trials to date, very few have incorporated non-clade B strain components. Vectored vaccines using vaccinia and canarypox have also focused on clade B strains (2). Concerns about cross-clade efficacy initially dampened enthusiasm for vaccine trials of these vaccines in developing countries. However, canarypox was shown to induce CTL against non-clade B subtypes (in vitro). Therefore the National Institutes of Health approved a phase I trial of CP205 (canarypox, clade B, env gag and pol), launched in Uganda in 1999. Clade B canarypox vectors may also enter phase I/II trials in Brazil, Haiti, and Trinidad.

Research groups have also attempted to address the problem of HIV-1 variation by developing vaccines containing sequences from non-clade B HIV-1 strains. A canarypox product containing a clade A envelope (vCP1452-A) is likely to enter phase I trials later this year. A B/E recombinant envelope (gp120) vaccine (Vaxgen's AIDSVAX B/E) is now in phase III efficacy trials in Thailand. A replicon vaccine based on Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEE)(3, 4), containing a clade C HIV-1 sequence is in development by AlphaVax. The Oxford AIDS Vaccine Initiative (OXAVI) is also developing a clade C vaccine using DNA and viral vectors (5). Since each of these vaccines is expected to protect against HIV strains of one clade, successful protection against several clades may require immunization with more than one vaccine.

One solution to the problem of immunizing against many HIV clades may be to search for components of HIV-1 that are highly conserved, and to build a vaccine based on these components. Just as there may be certain words that are conserved in all dialects of French, there may be a set of epitopes (regions of HIV-1 that stimulate immune response) that are conserved across all strains and clades of HIV. These "cross-clade epitopes" may be the critical elements required for developing an effective HIV-1 vaccine or enhancing existing vaccines, given the extent of HIV-1 variability and the global context of HIV.

The variability of HIV-1 genomes can be measured, in part, by viewing the list of HIV-1 sequences archived at the Los Alamos National Laboratory HIV-1 Sequence Database (6) or at Genbank (7). The number of unique HIV-1 sequences in these public databases has been steadily increasing every year, with no end in sight (Figures 1a and 1b). Whereas only 16,000 HIV-1 protein sequences were listed in 1996, currently more than 44,000 HIV-1 protein sequences are listed. With the sequencing of more full-length genomes, the ability of HIV to mutate and recombine in chimeric forms (A/C, B/E) is beginning to be appreciated. Given the tendency of the HIV-1 retrovirus to evolve within individuals and populations, new variants will continue to be described.

A [View larger version of this image]
B [View larger version of this image]
Figure 1 (A and B). Exponential growth in the HIV-1 protein sequence databases is apparent from these two figures. A complete list of HIV-1 sequences can be obtained at the Los Alamos National Laboratory HIV-1 Sequence Database or at Genbank.

Discovery of conserved, immunologically relevant cross-clade regions of the HIV-1 genome has been hampered by a lack of powerful tools that would enable researchers to mine existing large HIV-1 sequence databases for vaccine components. This article will discuss the current status of bioinformatics tools for HIV-1 sequence database mining, review research on cross-clade responses to HIV-1 epitopes, and outline a new approach to the preparation of cross-clade vaccines.

HIV-1 Strain variation affects HIV-1 epitope processing and presentation

T cell epitopes

Successful vaccination leads to expansion of a set of T cells that are specific for T cell epitopes contained within the protein sequence of the vaccine and establishment of T cell memory to those epitopes (8). The hypothesis that expanded T cell responses to HIV-1 peptides following vaccination may be correlated with protection from HIV-1 remains to be proven in vaccine trials. However, both T helper (Th) and Cytotoxic T cells (CTL) responses play a role in protective responses against chronic HIV-1 infection (9, 10), and appear to play a protective role against HIV-1 challenge in certain situations (11, 12), therefore the extrapolation to protection against HIV-1 challenge seems reasonable.

The impact of HIV-1 strain variation on T cell responses has been explored by a number of scientific groups (Table 2). In general, these studies involve mapping responses to HIV-1 at the level of the interaction between the T cell and the antigen presenting cell (APC) - more specifically, at the level of the peptide epitope, which links the APC’s major histocompatability complex (MHC) molecule and the effector T cell’s receptor (Figure 2a).

Figure 2a. Interaction between the MHC, peptide, and T cell.
Recognition of a foreign antigen by T cells requires that the antigen derived peptides be displayed within the context of an MHC molecule binding pocket. For a viral pathogen such as HIV, this peptide is processed internally within the cytoplasm and displayed within the cleft of MHC class I molecules. Each type of MHC class I molecule binds a unique set of peptides as a result of the polymorphism within a species and the diversity among individual members of a species, which are then presented to CD8+ T-cells. Each T cell clone recognizes one specific epitope-MHC complex.
Figure 2b. Interaction between MHC ligand peptide and the MHC molecule.
A peptide (in red) derived from a pathogen such as HIV binds in the cleft of the MHC molecule. R group side chains from the peptide extend into pockets (in yellow) in MHC binding cleft. The configuration of the pockets is unique to each MHC, thus only selected peptides can bind in each MHC binding cleft.

The process of antigen processing is complex. Ultimately, short peptides (MHC ligands) derived from larger proteins bind in the binding groove of MHC Class I and Class II molecules and are transported to the APC's surface (Figure 2a), where they interact with the T cell receptor. For formation of class I peptides, the process involves cleavage in the APC's proteasome, binding to a trans-membrane transport protein called TAP, and further processing in the endoplasmic reticulum. Class II peptides are processed in the APC's proteolytic vesicles. On the surface of the APC, the MHC class I-peptide complex interacts with the T cell receptor of class I restricted T cells (usually CTL) and the MHC class II-peptide complex interacts with the T cell receptor of class II restricted T cells (usually Th). Each T cell receptor is specific for one MHC-peptide complex. Recognition of the MHC-peptide complex by the T cell receptor triggers a cascade of events that culminate in T cell response (secretion of cytokines or direct attack on the APC). MHC ligands that trigger T cell responses are called T cell epitopes.

The critical step in this process appears to be binding to the MHC. MHC ligands/T cell epitopes bind to the MHC through interactions between the peptide’s R group side chains and pockets located on the floor of the MHC (Figure 2b). Different MHC molecules (defined by HLA alleles) have distinct types of MHC binding pocket-R group interactions, limiting the set of peptide ligands that can be presented in the context of any given MHC. It is now clear that MHC-defined structural constraints on peptides that bind in the MHC groove result in the "genetic restriction" of immune response, described by Zinkernagel and Doherty more than two decades ago (13).

Due to the combined effects of intracellular processing and MHC structure, only a subset of the entire set of peptides derived from any given HIV-1 protein sequence is likely to bind to an MHC molecule. Changes in the sequence of HIV-1 peptides that conform to the binding specificities of a particular MHC can compromise binding of the modified peptide to that MHC (14). Therefore, the changes in amino acid sequence that are associated with HIV-1 diversity may interfere with HIV-1 ligand processing and binding in the MHC binding groove. Failure to bind may diminish cross-clade protection against HIV-1 challenge by T cell clones raised against peptides derived from a clade B vaccine construct.

Analyses of HIV-1 immunopathogenesis have provided ample evidence of the highly epitope-specific nature of immune response to HIV-1. Modifications of MHC ligands at the amino acid level have been associated with failure to bind, or failure to be recognized by the T cell, resulting in viral escape from immune response (15, 16, 17). Furthermore, sequence modifications may affect the intracellular processing of the epitopes prior to MHC binding, since these modifications could affect processing of the native protein into shorter peptides by the proteasome or transport of the protein through TAP into the endoplasmic reticulum (18, 19). Alternatively, variant peptides that still bind to the MHC may fail to engage the TCR, acting as an "antagonist" to T cell response (20).

Despite the epitope-specificity of human response to HIV-1, T cells induced by recombinant canarypox vectors based on clade B HIV-1 strains have been able to kill cells infected with HIV-1 or cells transfected with HIV-1 genes from other clades (21). These successes can be attributed to one of several special factors: (1) In general, vaccines that have induced these cross-clade responses included proteins from HIV-1 that are more conserved proteins of HIV-1, such as gag and other internal proteins (22, 23, 24, 25)(see Table 2 for a partial listing of cross-clade studies). (2) The majority of published studies were performed using recombinant vaccinia virus constructs expressing whole HIV-1 genes and mixed populations of T cells derived from HIV-1 infected subjects. Quite a few of the epitopes contained in genes presented by these vaccinia and whole gene constructs can be shown to be conserved across clades (see Table 3). These types of "whole gene" cross-clade studies may simply be confirming the existence of cross-clade epitopes (amino acid sequences that are conserved across clades of HIV-1) rather than proving that clade B vaccines are acceptable immunogens in the context of a non-clade B HIV-1 challenge. And finally, (3) several studies providing more exacting proof that specific HIV-1 epitopes derived from different strains of HIV-1 can stimulate cross-clade responses were performed using highly conserved peptides with no substitutions in the amino acids that are associated with binding to the MHC (the amino acid "anchors" in the peptide sequence)(26, 27)(Table 2). The latter studies are consistent with recent discoveries about the "wobbly" nature of T cell receptor (TCR) interaction with the MHC-peptide complex (28, 28). The wobbly TCR permits a broader range of possible MHC-peptide combinations per epitope-specific T cell receptor than previously estimated.

Of note, few "cross-clade" studies have been performed using peptides representing epitopes from regions of HIV-1 that dramatically differ (particularly in the anchor regions) across clades. Results of these studies are perhaps too predictable: CTL response would probably not be conserved against dissimilar epitopes. It is also much easier to confirm a positive "cross-clade" response (using more conserved epitopes) than to clearly define a negative, or missing, cross-clade response.

B cell epitopes

The adverse impact of HIV-1 strain variation on the efficacy of antibodies raised by clade B vaccines has also been profound. The envelope protein (composed of gp120 and gp41) against which humoral response is directed is extremely variable (more than 25,000 env sequences are currently available in public databases, Figures 1a and 1b).

A few cross-neutralizing antibody epitopes to gp120 of HIV-1 grown in vitro have been identified (29). Antibodies to these epitopes have shown to be relatively inefficient for the neutralization of HIV-1 isolates from infected patients. A single neutralizing epitope has been defined on HIV-1 gp41 (29). This epitope is relatively conserved across HIV-1 strains, but not very immunogenic. In general, antibodies to the handful of cross-clade conserved neutralizing epitopes that have been identified are rarely elicited in the humoral response after HIV-1 infection. Cross-neutralizing antibodies (able to inhibit infection by heterologous HIV-1 isolates) have also not been elicited in human trials of the two vaccines currently in phase II and III trials: the canarypox vaccine (30) and the recombinant gp120 vaccine (31). Antibodies raised against HIV-1 envelope have usually been specific for the clade B isolates in the vaccine formulations, and have only rarely neutralized primary isolates of HIV derived from patients (32, 33). Even those antibodies elicited in improved vaccination (prime-boost) protocols have had a limited breadth of reactivity (30).

Research groups developing HIV-1 vaccines directed at stimulating the humoral arm of the immune system have addressed the problem of HIV-1 variability in a number of different ways. For example, some groups have devoted their attention to the development of oligomeric recombinant envelope protein, which more closely resembles the native configuration of the protein in HIV-1 virions (34). Other groups have experimented with modifiying delivery mechanisms to boost cross-clade immunogenicity. Recently, two clade B vaccine candidates, the Chiron DNA-prime, recombinant protein boost (both clade B) vaccine and the Vaxgen recombinant gp120 (clade B) vaccine, were reported to induce cross-clade neutralizing antibodies, measured in vitro (35, 36). In addition, researchers at Maxgen have plans to use directed molecular evolution technologies to generate HIV-1 proteins that elicit broader, stronger antibody responses than wild type HIV-1 proteins (37).

These studies may lead to the development of improved HIV-1 vaccine candidates. However, HIV-1 envelope protein variation is protean. Bioinformatics tools to map cross-clade B cell epitopes do not yet exist. There appears to be no easy solution to the problem of envelope variability and antibody responses, raising concern about the ability of single-clade vaccines to induce effective antibody responses against HIV-1 challenge.

Designing a cross-clade, epitope-driven HIV-1 vaccine using bioinformatics

A number of researchers including the group at the TB/HIV Research Laboratory at Brown University have been promoting and pursuing the development of a novel HIV-1 vaccine that reflects the global diversity of HIV-1 strains and the HLA variability of human populations (38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45). The approach of these groups generally consists of searching for conserved peptide sequences, determining whether these sequences are immunogenic, and then cobbling these epitopes together in a multi-epitope vaccine.

Sophisticated sequence tools to search protein sequences for T cell epitopes have been available for approximately 10 years. These informatics tools have only recently been applied to the problem of HIV-1 vaccines. The combined use of several informatics tools is now making it possible to analyze all published variants of the HIV-1 genome and prospectively identify both class I and class II-restricted T cell epitopes for use in epitope-driven HIV-1 cross-clade vaccines.

Tools for identifying cross-clade T cell epitopes

The discovery of MHC binding motifs prompted the development of new bioinformatics tools for vaccine design. The MHC-binding-motif based algorithms were first described by RY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y KY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$&$nx Y Y Y Y Y Y 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(in more than 250 HIV-1?sequences for env, for example) were selected for further evaluation by EpiMatrix. This list was scanned for sequences that matched any of EpiMatrix’s current list of 30 class I and 74 class II MHC binding motifs.

Selected peptides were synthesized, and both MHC binding capability and T cell responses to the peptides evaluated in vitro. MHC binding was evaluated using the T2 cell binding assay (68). T cell responses to the peptides were measured in standard gamma-interferon release ELISpot assays (69). Table 4 illustrates results obtained for a?set of peptides leasess II MHC binding moby EpiMatrix. 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81.The authors are extremely grateful to Dr. Frank Rothman of Brown University for his helpful suggestions and careful review of this manuscript. The World Clade Vaccine project is a not-for profit collaboration between EpiVax, Inc. and the TB/HIV Research Laboratory. A new non-profit initiative, GAIA Vaccine Foundation, has been established to support the development of a cross-clade vaccine against HIV-1.
82.This work was funded by a developmental award from the Lifespan Center for AIDS Research and by an R21 award from the National Institutes of Health, Division of AIDS, to A.S. De Groot, and by an SBIR Phase I award to EpiVax, Inc.
83.The World Clade Vaccine project was declared a not-for-profit collaboration by the TB/HIV Research Laboratory and its partner in development, EpiVax Inc. on August 16, 2000. See the GAIA Vaccine Foundation site for more information.
84.For more information on HIV-1 clinical trials see: NIAID Division of AIDS, AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, UNAIDS, GAIA, and AIDScience's Global Projects.



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