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About AIDScience

Welcome to AIDScience. As of 31 December 2003, AIDScience ran out of operating funds.  The Web site is now archived.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), publisher of Science magazine, launched this Web site to provide researchers with a premier, centralized and global online source of information on all aspects of AIDS prevention and vaccine development.

This AAAS venture, supported by an $850,000 grant from the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), expanded from a small NeuroAIDS Web site devoted to the neurological impacts of AIDS.  AIDScience published peer-reviewed articles and reviews, as well as other reports, commentaries, columns, daily features and information resources.

The AIDScience Web site was the latest online information service from the AAAS, the world's largest general science organization. Previous successful online ventures of the AAAS have included Science Online; Science's NextWave, serving younger researchers; Science's STKE, an experimental "signal transduction knowledge environment" for researchers involved in cell signaling; and EurekAlert!, which brings research news to some 4,300 journalists worldwide.


1. Peer-reviewed articles
This virtual journal section published original contributions. Generally, scientists with expertise in the field wrote these articles.

Reports. Each of these 3,000-word papers is original scientific research or a thorough review piece about a given topic.

Questions & answers. These 1,000-word papers address relevant questions about AIDS prevention and vaccine research.

2. Perspectives
Policy-makers, leaders in non-governmental organizations, and scientists wrote non-peer-reviewed reports, commentaries and columns on AIDS prevention and vaccine research.

3. Global Projects Map
The Global Projects map was the façade of a comprehensive database of worldwide AIDS prevention research projects, relevant development bank and World Bank projects, and AIDS vaccine trials. The vaccine trial database was populated and maintained by AIDScience in collaboration with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), a private organization that promotes the rapid development of an AIDS vaccine. This feature is no longer available on this Web site, but IAVI maintains the AIDS vaccine trials database at their site.

4. News Headlines
The News Headlines section was updated daily with major news media headlines of interest to AIDS research scientists, with a small excerpt or summary of the article and a link to the media source.  There are 3650 News Headlines items in AIDScience, covering the period December 2000—December 2003. Use the search engine to find specific topics in the News Headlines.

5. Journal Headlines
Similar to the News Headlines, the Journal Headlines section contains scientific papers of interest to AIDS researchers. Updated weekly, this feature was a list of top papers that present a significant advancement or a provocative subject. There are 1750 journal headline items in AIDScience, covering the period December 2000—December 2003.  Use the search engine to find specific topics in the Journal Headlines.

6. NeuroAIDS Web site
This small Web journal was developed with NIMH funds and was the predecessor of AIDScience. The NeuroAIDS Web site was merged with AIDScience.

7. Collection of full text papers from Science

The Cohen Files. The files are a compilation of articles and columns written by renowned science writer Jon Cohen. This prolific writer has written on HIV and AIDS for Science for several years.

Science Classic Articles. A compilation of classic HIV and AIDS papers published in Science.

8. Calendar of international meetings
A comprehensive list of scientific meetings and conferences of interest to AIDS prevention and vaccine researchers. This feature is no longer available.

9. Discussion groups
Electronic discussion groups was attached to every original paper that appears in AIDScience. Users were able to post messages after review by the editors. This feature is no longer available.

10. Reviewed HIV and AIDS sites
On this page we maintained a collection of links to other HIV and AIDS sites of interest to our readers.




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Published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Copyright © 2003 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.