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About the Global Projects Map
>> Global Projects

The Global Projects Map will be a comprehensive database of ongoing and past prevention projects and vaccine trials. The database is organized by country but can be searched by keyword(s) or viewed in its entirety.

The vaccine trials section of the database, which contains information on present and past human and animal HIV vaccine trials, is built and maintained in cooperation with the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI). IAVI is a global, non-profit private organization that strives to speed the development and distribution of preventive AIDS vaccines — the world’s best hope for ending the AIDS epidemic.

The prevention projects section of the database encompasses all other non-vaccine-related information on ongoing HIV prevention trials and projects. This section currently has projects and trials funded by the United States government, the World Bank, and some private foundations.

Our goal is to make these databases as comprehensive as possible for scientists from all around the world, to use in their educational, collaborative and scientific efforts. If you want to contribute information to this database or correct information you deem inaccurate, contact us at or use the feedback page.




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